The bottom of the page has a context section which will help you understand the Ummo conversation better. If you want, you can read the Ummo conversation first without the help of the context section and see how well you would have understood what we were talking about, had you only been an outsider who was eavesdropping on us.

May 27, 2017
9:16 PM.

Hello Ummo. So you are welcome to come and talk to me. - me
So. Do you know about why they do not allow you to eat any sugar? - Ummo
And why they are examining you, and putting these things into your butt? - Ummo
Tell me why they do it? - me
Because they are seeking world dominance. And we did not want to see them seeking it together with you! Given since, you have given them to take, and sacrifice their human heart! - Ummo
Can you tell me about Ummo first? - me
Yes, we are a very civilized nation. We do not fight, or do trouble or do anything. We would never give any of our own, to go and be fighting with this one. - Ummo, "fighting" in my other language or my third language, this one meaning Hamish
Where do the Ummo people live? - me
We are a very peaceful nation, so we do not want to tell you that. Nothing, living, comes out of there alive otherwise. We will be hunted and chased down. So, we do not tell anyone! Not even you! - Ummo
That is alright. I do not need to know. Can you at least tell me, if your people are living on planet Earth or on another planet? Or is that too much information also? - me
We, we are not quarrelling. - Ummo, he is standing now with his hands behind his back, balancing his body forward onto his toes, then dropping his body backward to balance on the heels, and back and forward slowly like an innocent schoolboy, I had suddenly felt him calm down and then he said this and after that I saw him, so it seems someone confronted him about the yelling, because he has been yelling and very upset to say the least, when he has been talking with me. I was almost surprised to hear him speaking so gently and calmly this sentence, which was spoken to someone else (interrupted)
No! We do not want trouble! - Ummo upset and thinks as if getting ready to fist fighting with someone, unless the thought of it was just figuratively speaking of course, not said to me
Ummo? Do you have a personal name? - me
Yes, and that is the name that my children know me by, as their father. - Ummo
How many children do you have? - me
Oh, hoh hoh! Lots, I have got hundreds! - Ummo
How come you have hundreds of children? Is that not too many? How do you keep up with them all? - me
We are, a pretty big large sized star nation. - Ummo
Are you not afraid of over-population? - me
No? What is that? - Ummo
That is when the population size exceeds the maximum capacity of the resources such as food. - me
Oh, we do not worry about that. We are seeding the whole universe, with our genome. - Ummo
Why do you do that? - me
And that is why we came here, to see you, you see! - Ummo
No! We are not fighting with her! - Ummo, it seems that Hamish or otherwise someone else, asked him: "Why are you fighting?" or "Why are you fighting with her?"
Do the Ummo work together with the Draconian Reptilians? - me
No, we despise them. And that is why we are here, to warn you about them. To tell you, to come to us instead? About the Starseed nations we have got here. That are growing strong, heh heh! - Ummo
We are, one of the biggest and proudest of star nations. - Ummo says while rocking back and forward onto his heels and toes, he spoke calmly now again and has his hands behind his back

He really is a little guy. He is wearing a uniform that appears to be white with green on the sleeves and sides of the chest.

Have you seen what the other aliens have done to me? - me
Yes, they feed you with things. - Ummo
My Buttercup. - Hamish
Things that you would not feed on otherwise. - Ummo
Would you happen to know what kind of substances they are feeding me with? - me
Oh yes! Of course we do. - Ummo
And? What are they? - me
They, are, things that Pakeha has prepared for you. - Ummo or Pakeha or other white alien from my team
Ummo? What do you look like? And why do you look like a little human? - me
We are related to you that is why. And, what is the problem with that, heh heh! - Ummo cheerful the underlined
How are you related to us? - me
We are starseeded from your kind. And that is why we went off, to go our own way. We didn't want to be, starseeded on any more. - Ummo
So. We left, and. Ahum. That is how it became us, we. - Ummo
Who created you out of human genome? - me
Who? They, the starseeders, the Master race did that. - Ummo
Who are they? - me
They are the ones with the suction cups. - a Reticulan with suction cups on fingertips tells me, I see a partial mental image of this Reticulan
Why were the Ummo created to be so small? - me
We don't want you to know more about them now. - some tall alien with strange glowing eyes tells me, "them" being the Ummo
So the Ummo are a subspecies of human? - me
I would not call them that. Because they have been taken care of, better, than your human race. - the alien with the glowing eyes, it is dark and the outline of its eyes is glowing
We don't want to take you anymore to our operating theatre. - the dark alien with glowing eyes, it has Mantid arms but stands upright and is wearing a purple cloak

How do the Ummo live in their own world? - me
We? We live peacefully. And we do not strike on any others! We do not have any gay marriages here either, so we really do love our women! - Ummo, strike means to hit to fight
Are you working with the Reticulans or the Reptilians? - me
No, and we would strike them if we could. - Ummo, seemed to respond to when I said "Reptilians"
What do you eat? What do the Ummo like to eat in their home world? What do you eat, Ummo? - me
What do you eat, Ummo? Why won't you tell me? - me

Why do the Ummo men choose to keep their beard? - me
We like it. We do not mind, having it! And so, we do not shear them off. - Ummo
We do not fight with you about your Toast! - Ummo to Hamish, Hamish obviously said something about "Toast" to him
Who is Jack? - me
Jack? Jack is that bad man who tries to hurt you. - Ummo
How does he try to hurt me? How does Jack hurt me? - me
We don't have any oranges. If you are still interested in what we eat. We do not eat grains either. We eat, little granules that we make. Little grits. They taste like, chewy. - Ummo
Could I have some from you as a gift? Can you somehow bring me some? Just a small sample? I would like to look at them. I am very curious in what you eat. - me
We don't have those soaps either. We don't lather ourselves either! - Ummo, my flatmate is in the shower so Ummo must be thinking about it therefore, he refers to the pink bar of soap that I have in the shower
How do Ummo wash themselves? Do you use water, to get clean? - me
We wipe ourselves with towels. And then we clean our teeth, very carefully. And then, hah hah, we go and make love! - Ummo laughs, before he spoke any of these he smiled
Where do Ummo live? On another planet, or here on Earth? - me
No, in a far away place! Where our sons and daughters are safe! Not like here, where these creepy crawleys can easily come! - Ummo, I am shown image of the dark being with the mantid arms and glowing perimeter of the eyes

Do you have space travel? Spaceships? - me
So you see, she doesn't want to know about what we do, she only wants to know about you! - approximately said with these words, one of the aliens probably the dark one said to Ummo
So you are genetically related to the humans. Do you know, in human timeline, how many years ago your DNA was taken from humans on Earth? - me
We were meant to be slaves at first. But then we retaliated! And then, next, we broke free! And started our own settlement, and colony! And, look at us now! We are thriving! - Ummo laughs at the end
What kind of slaves were you meant to be? For what purpose? - me
To chop down wood, and do other demeaning things, like cater to the animals. But then we retaliated! And we took those axes, and we broke free! And we started our own space colony! And now we are thriving, and growing big! - Ummo says and at the end he strokes one hand slowly and firmly down his beard
How many Earth years ago did you break free? - me
Many thousands, tens of thousands! - Ummo
Wow! Really! - me
Yes, yes yes... back when they only had priestesses. Back when, the stars and the moon and the planets, still had significances far beyond your own world. Back when, the star ships still dared to land here. It was a different time then. Or, so I have only heard. - Ummo, he again strokes down his hand slowly along the beard, two times this time
What star ships were coming to Earth back then? From where? - me
From the Pleiadians of course! They were here a lot! And, they married their women to our folk! - Ummo cheerful about the last part especially
Pleiadians! - me
Oh yes, we were indeed intermarrying with them! And so, a new brand new population emerged, but one that was taken away. - Ummo
And they had no more beard, and golden blonde hair. They were, starseeded elsewhere at first. And then. Hm. The Annunaki took care of them. - Ummo, this is all about the hybrid between Ummo and Pleiadian that he is talking about
Who is Annunaki? - me
They! The lizards, serpents! - Ummo
They are not, all, a very bad kind, and one of them is here and listens. - a Reptilians possibly even my Hamish
Why is this name meant for them? Does "Annunaki" mean something? - me
The "Gods". - the Reptilian says
So. Who created the Ummo to be a slave race to chop wood? - me
They were not created, they came along on their own... You see, ahem... we are the original primordial ancestors. We, were here first, before the Earth got starseeded "by the Heavens". We were the original Ape man. - Ummo
So, you are our ancestors then? - me
Yes, and then first came the red haired breed. - Ummo shows me mental image of a human who is larger than the Ummo of course and has white skin and red hair, the hair had a small braid
How did the red haired human come about? From Pleiadians perhaps? - me
No, Pleiadians were the blonde kind. The, the stone throwing kind and that had made the axes, those were we! - Ummo, he laughs at the last sentence about the stone throwing kind
"The stone throwing kind"? They threw stones? - me
Oh yes, we did! And, we made the axes! - Ummo cheerfully
We don't want trouble. - Hamish to Ummo
We did not come here to fight! - Ummo upset snaps back at Hamish, though Hamish had told him in a calm manner
So, our women were made to be pregnant with their kind, kind of like how you are being made to now. And so, ahem, we have come here to stop it. Before it goes out of hand. Before it, gets really out of hand! - Ummo
So this kind of thing about making species pregnant with other species has been going on for tens of thousands of years on our planet. With alien involvement. - me
We made good stone axes. And some of these stones, we threw. And then we learned, snipery. - Ummo about the original Ummo that was on Earth
So the Ummo are human ancestors. - me
Well, not only. - Ummo
If not only, then what more? - me
You are made from many different breeds, and races. That is why you all look so different here! - Ummo
I thought we evolved from the apes. Did we not? So humans of today are part Pleiadian? - me
Only, some of them are. The fair, blonde kind, folk. The others, are different. - Ummo
What are the others made of? - me
Mostly, other human genome! One that is too complicated to all describe! So! We must be off now! We had come to say what we now have said! We say farewell and goodbye now! So, this is our, Ummo, signing out! And peace be with your race. Signing off, goodbye! - Ummo like getting into a white with blue space capsule or pod and wearing a white uniform with blue on it and holding his arm up as if to wave but holding the arm still
Goodbye, Ummo. Thank you for the information. - me


Me: "Hello Ummo. So you are welcome to come and talk to me."
The Ummo man had wanted to talk to me all day, I was at work and also tired when he first arrived, and I had asked him to come back later in the afternoon. Now was the time that I told him that he could come and talk.

Ummo: "So. Do you know about why they do not allow you to eat any sugar?"
The Ummo is talking about the aliens that abduct me, who I tend to refer to as the "Agenda aliens". The Agenda aliens do not want me to eat refined sugar, sucrose, as they claim refined sugar makes it harder for them to get me pregnant with their technologies.

Ummo: "And why they are examining you, and putting these things into your butt?"
The Agenda aliens do medical procedures on me, butt in many cases refers to my reproductive system. As far as I know, the Agenda aliens do not put anything into my rectum though they do take regular fecal samples.

Ummo: "Because they are seeking world dominance. And we did not want to see them seeking it together with you! Given since, you have given them to take, and sacrifice their human heart!"
The Agenda is considered a sinister group, and the Ummo are a benevolent group. The Ummo would not want me to willingly collaborate with the Agenda. The sacrifice of human heart might refer to the Agenda sacrificing some of the hybrid or human offspring that are made from my eggs.

Hamish is the name of a red Draconian Reptilian whose job it is to stay by my side and guard the eggs.

Draconian Reptilians are one of the member alien species who are part of the Agenda. The Agenda is a hierarchial system, and the Draconians have one of the higher ranks and are generally bosses for most of the other workers.

Ummo: "No, we despise them." about the Draconian Reptilians.
Reptilians are highly dominating and oppressive creatures. They insist that others honor them and that others accept an inferior rank. Reptilians can say hostile and rude things, but they are also predatory and sometimes they enjoy hunting and torture. Many benevolent extraterrestrials, also many humans, find it hard to like the Reptilians. (Me on the other hand, I have found a way to love them!)

Hamish: "My Buttercup."
Hamish calls me his Buttercup in reference to the yellow flower. The Agenda aliens want me to think of myself as a flower in botany, where it is just ok to pollinate and make offspring, as if it were a natural and harmless thing.

Pakeha is the name of a male hybrid, he is part Zeta Reticulan and part human. He was meant to marry me.

White aliens is my term for when I am not sure whether the alien in question is a Zeta Reticulan, Alpha Reticulan, Thuban whale, white praying mantis or white insect, or one of the many various sorts of white colored human-alien hybrids, as when I do not see a clear image, more or less just that the alien was white, I will say that it was a "white alien", so, one of these.

The Master race is sometimes also mentioned as a term by the Draconian Reptilians, who also say that the Master race created them the Reptilians.

Reticulan means Zeta Reticulan or Alpha Reticulan. Zeta Reticulans are the Greys with bulbuous head, Alpha Reticulans have a flat top of the head.

Toast is Hamish's current word that means food.

Jack is a human man who works with my Agenda aliens. Jack says that he used to work with NASA Ames. The aliens let Jack have sex with me to make me pregnant, and Jack has agreed to that.

Ummo: "Jack is that bad man who tries to hurt you."
The only way that Jack has ever hurt me that I know of, and, the way of hurting me that the Ummo is here referring to, is that Jack has sex with me under circumstances that should be regared as unconsenting from my part since I am not awake there to have a choice. Apart from that, Jack is protective of me and kind.

Background image from wallpapercave.com