This page gives lengthier descriptions of the times when I have had contact with the Vega. The other main Vega page should then instead be a summary of what we have learned.
Channeling Vega
This video contains the entire channeling of the Vega. In this channeling, I did not see what the Vega would have looked like, or if this particular Vega was a pink walrus squid or if this particular Vega could have looked differently. It was however contact with a Vega.
On August 24 when I channeled a Vega, I did not see clearly what the Vega looked like, but I described that the Vega was tall and had a pointy head unless it was a headgear, and I saw a lot of white light around him of the power inside the star.
A Vega visits me
On August 27 2017 while I was working on writing down the new information I had learned about the Vega in the August 24 channeling, a Vega contacted me. He let me see himself in a mental image and I presume he was not here where I am but in a remote location. Through telepathy we were able to convey emotions, thoughts, and communication to each other.
Before I got a close look at what this Vega looks like, I already knew from the past that they were light pink in skin color. Now this Vega let me see him. First I saw that it was a body that looked to stand upright and his skin was a strong light pink color. He had two small eyes that were pale blue and seemed to have eye whites. The eyes have the most loving expression in them. After a while I saw him even clearer, and I saw that he has many pink soft tentacles on his face. I made a drawing of him.
The Vega has a mouth under the tentacles. And while the Vega spoke to me I watched how he made deep inhales of air through his mouth. If he exhales the air, then the exhale happens either not through the mouth or that the exhale is made slower because I did not see him exhaling.
I saw that he was an upright standing creature, wider or thicker and larger than a human body, and his skin was a strong light pink color. The skin is smooth and without hairs or other visible pattern such as lines or scales. I saw no external ears. I am not sure about whether he has arms and legs, and I do not know for sure if he was wearing clothes or not. He has two eyes that are small and a bit slanted. The eyes have eye whites and are otherwise a light blue color, I did not see any black irises in the eyes, and I saw no eyelids or eyelashes. I also did not see him blink.
After a moment I saw him even clearer and I saw that he has about five tentacles which cover the area where a nose and a mouth would be and they also hang a bit lower beneath where his chin would be. The tentacles are about the thickness of a human finger. He has a mouth that he can open which is located underneath the tentacles. The mouth is wider than the width covered by the tentacles, and so when he opens his mouth, the open corner of his mouth can be seen next to where the tentacles end.
He inhales air strongly, each inhale lasts for about two seconds. He opens his mouth to inhale. There is not a corresponding strong exhale, so it can be presumed that the exhale happens more gradually and that I therefore do not notice the exhale at all.
The Vega exudes a tremendous amount of love, happiness, and joy, which I feel from him. I feel a tremendous amount of love, happiness, and joy when we are connected. And his eyes smile in the most loving way. The Vega knows a lot of things about my life, and he has shown me images from my past and childhood. I asked him how can he see the past, but he told me that I do it too, and I had to admit that since I too can remote view the past, so therefore it was nothing out of the ordinary after all. The Vega has shown me many scenes of times when I have thought compassionately about animals, or when I have looked at animals with compassion, scenes from my past. My compassion to cows, to magpie birds, and many other examples that he has shown me, and he said, that that is how he knows that he can come to me. Kindness, and compassion toward animals, are very important to the Vega. He said that the people of India still adhere to this advice, meaning that the people of India who are Hindus are vegetarian, and, he said that most of the world meaning most of humanity does not, meaning because most humans are not vegetarians.
The Vega told me to do sports (so that I can be healthier and stronger), and he told me that my body was not clean meaning my blood. I told him I would follow his advice and do sports and exercise and that I would eat healthier.
I explained to him how the beauty and happiness in him inspired me to live better and to do good things to animals. I told him that the beauty and joy in him made me feel that it was possible to love life for the first time. I even cried a bit because of these feelings that were coming from the Vega. He listened, and it felt as if, and I also saw his pink hand, as if he placed his hand on my chest to show me that he heard me and that he cared. The hand seemed to be a clump which sort of has the outline for three fingers, but the fingers are wide and can only be separated a little bit.
He showed me the mental image of an apeman from Earth's past. The image was perfectly clear. I just stared at the image with my eyes wide open and I asked the Vega, "What is that?". The apeman was an ancestor that had been Starseeded to become what we call at least closer to the modern human. The apeman had a strange shape of the head, it had a protruding snout with a large bulged upper lip and lower lip like the chimpanzee. The apeman was tall and stood upright, he wore brown shredded hides to cover his pelvic area and a bit on the belly as well. He used tools I think he was carrying a spear, but he was barefoot. His skin was a beige brown color, his skin was not covered in hair but he had hair on the head and some beard hairs. The hairs that he had were black. The hair on his head was smooth like chimpanzee hair and not curly. His eyes were dark with eyewhites.
I heard the apeman make a sound which sounded a lot like a sound that chimpanzees make. The apeman could not have spoken a language with the sounds that humans use today. I asked the Vega if I could talk to the apeman, the Vega said yes I could because it would only collect information based on what was, and would do nothing to change what was in the past, and so I could talk to the apeman but it would do no harm. When I allowed the apeman in the past to see me, he responded by grimacing in which he opened his mouth to show me his incisor teeth and he frowned his eyebrows and looked angry. It was not a friendly greeting, it was a warning. Funny how humans today expose their incisor teeth to show friendliness, but back then it meant the opposite. I did not want to interact with the apeman more than that, I was a bit startled from seeing him.
The Vega had wanted to talk to me a lot today, but I had to ask him for us to talk some other day because I was exhausted after days of working on The Orion Project material. The Vega also said that they, the Vega, had Starseeded the elephants.
When I drew the picture of the Vega and while I was writing the text on the top of the picture, it was the Vega who asked me to place stars there on either side of the text, and so I did. And as I decided to make a new banner for the top of this page, it was the Vega who wanted there to be lots and lots of stars. He would have wanted me to draw thousands of stars, to represent the thousands of civilizations that the Vegas have Starseeded. He also wanted me to draw golden lines that would be drawn like long curvy bands from the word Vega and to individual stars, starting with individual bands going first many to the right, and then other bands further and further downward, so that they go to the right and until going down, to represent the connections in the connected Vega group, but I told him that I did not know how to draw such bands so I left them out.
"We do not like to fight and so do you, so we felt that it was safe to come here!", smiles a Vega at me, August 27-28 2017, 1:16 AM, "so do you" or "nor do you", but he meant that I also do not like to fight. I forgot which word he said but I heard it at the time when he said it.
We never founded any kingdoms, we wanted all of them, the brothers, to live in peace! And so we were never a warring nation. We were never kings. And we never wanted to be. But others, others coveted our power. They wanted to be mighty like us! And so, then, next came the Serpents. Who wanted to fire us all down from the sky! We just wanted peace. And big fruits, for big fruits to be grown. We wanted to give fruits to the mankind. And for them to live peacefully with each other. And to not have any gods or kings. We just wanted fruit, for mankind. Did you know why fruit was made, and invented? So that people could live in harmony, with each other. So that we all could live in peace. I wanted the Starseeded race, to be me, next. I wanted the Ulia. The most important one, that was for us. The Ulia created us once. And then the Ulia deserted and abandoned us. So that we could live on our own. We were the original Starseeded race. And the Ulia created us! The Ulia, were a more advanced and powerful race than us. - Vega, Ulia is pronounced as "Juu-lia" with a J but written without a J
Who were the Ulia? And where are they now? - me
Nobody knows! They left us, they abandoned us. So that we may live alone, in peace! The Ulia! They were once, like our fathers. But they abandoned us. But. We created many others. And so we came here now once, for you! Note, notice that we do not have a smell. And that also we do not worry. - Vega, for you meant me the author specifically, and we talked earlier about the smell because I had worried about the smell from having eaten meat and that was a concern of mine for the past few days I normally never eat meat, and then - this was earlier - the Vega had told me that they the Vegas have no smell
When he said the last words there in the above paragraph, I saw the Vega what his body looks like! I will now go and draw it. He looks like a walrus body with flippers front paws and flipper back paws, and he lies on the ground like a walrus. On the picture I drew, it was the Vega who wanted me to add a star next to the text "Vega", and then he wanted more stars around, and then he wanted stars falling down from his mouth and more little stars that had already fallen down from his mouth. According to him the stars mean that he has Starseeded. I made another drawing of his full body.
Invited to Vega journey
August 28 2017 late in the night when I was going to bed, the Vega individual came to talk to me again. He was ready to give me a lot of information on the topics that we had discussed recently. He also invited me to go on a journey to visit their base. The base has at least this one Vega individual, and at least two of the Blue Kings, but I sensed that the base would also be inhabited by many other species and animals also. For some reason I feel that there would be large cats with soft short brown hair, the cats are the size and appearance of a mountain lion, puma - I have not seen those cats there, or maybe I did see them, but I sense that they would also be there at the Vega base.
I was shown a mental image of what I instantly recognized to say the word: Yeti. It was a hominid with orange brown hairs and its head is notably very high or tall up. He had light blue eyes. I sensed that it lives in caves in the Himalayan mountains and that they also live in caves in Peru in alien bases. I was told that sometimes one of them escapes out into the human world and that causes problems. The Yeti man spoke to me telepathically and he said that they do not like it when humans come to look for them.
There were two Blue Kings visiting in my room in another dimension. They told me that they were sorry that I had been told by the Vega to only eat fruits, and they looked at my big bowl that is full of different kinds of fruits that was on my end table next to my bed. After contact with the Vega who told me about fruits and human longevity, since August 28 2017 I have been on a diet consisting of only fruits and some nuts and maybe I will also eat some seeds. The Blue Kings were regretting that the Vega had told me this and they were apologising for that. I told them that it was fine and that I have been on fruit and raw food diets many times before so this was only natural for me. The Vega had just been another inspiration for me to do a fruit-based diet again.
One or both Blue Kings were pulling on a sleigh on which the big pink Vega that looks like a walrus with squid tentacles on the snout was lying and being pulled along. It looked like quite a delightful scene, a kind of family portrait of the Vega on a sleigh, the two Blue Kings, and knowing that they also have the Yeti and pumas there and all sorts. It is a delightfully exotic and deliciously different kind of congregation of peoples like something only from a story book.
After days of remote viewing and working on the audio files and making them into videos and working on massive amounts of text and literally a flood of new information from the remote viewing and alien contact I have been working day and night for days and I am reaching a point of exhaustion. That is why I had to firmly decline the Vegas persistent repeated invitations for me to come and visit them in their base. It sounded like I would have been given a real journey, as I doubt they would have given me some kind of alien abduction which I would not have been allowed to remember. But I was exhausted, and I begged the Vega to give me all of this information and for the visit at a later time. I do not like to listen to aliens when I am not able to write it all down, because otherwise I will forget the information, and I was far too exhausted late in the night after so much work already to start taking notes again. I hope to catch up with the work on The Orion Project in the next following days and to recover my vigor so that I can explore the Vega contact deeper and also with the Blue Kings and not at all least to mention the fantastic Yeti whom I hope to meet in person.
On August 29 2017 one of the two Blue Kings told me that their names are Desala and Majala. I will mention one thing. Last night on the 28th and especially today on the 29th it is obvious that Desala and Majala are demonic spirits and they are possibly Dark Lords. One of them Desala or Majala stood right next to me and I could feel that it was draining the life force out of my heart and body. The energy of these two is extremely sinister. They feel in fact more sinister and much more dark than Dark Lords do. And so I asked the two to go away and I informed them that their presence is harming me and that their energy is too dark. They were only vaguely in the form of Blue Kings yesterday. Later in the evening on the 28th they were more like dark demonic beings, and today there is no hint of them being Blue Kings and they look only like dark demonic beings.
Vega in the sea
In the night between January 6 and 7, 2019, a Vega made telepathic contact with me. The story can be read here in full, Vega encounter.