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drawn on August 19 2018

Zeta Remulan is one of the many species working and living together in a group whose logotype is the yellow pyramid. Zeta Remulan looks perhaps similar to a Zeta Reticuli or Alpha Reticuli, but is of course named Remulan which in itself implies it to be a different species, its body is also different from the Reticuli species, one might also have the impression that its role in the group, and personality and behavior are different from Reticuli species.

If Zeta Reticuli tend to be pale gray with large heads and slender upright standing bodies with good posture, and Alpha Reticuli a smaller version of Zeta Reticuli, the Zeta Remulan instead has a beige light-brown skin color, and a distinctly slumped body posture. Zeta Remulan has a large hairless head, two eyes, its throat is set not center but forward. It has a very nice almost block shaped torso which gives it a bulky appearance, and its body posture looks awkward, like a box on the floor. It has long slender arms that have hands, the palm of the hand is very small and triangular shaped, it has three long fingers, two top fingers and one shorter on the side like a thumb.

I suspect that I have only met one individual Zeta Remulan, and that when I meet a Zeta Remulan it would always be the same individual, but I cannot confirm that beyond more than that it seems so. When I see Zeta Remulan in a mental image, it appears indoors in a room, sitting on the floor. Zeta Remulan acts friendly toward me and has a positive mood toward me in our communication and interaction.

Zeta Remulan likes to say to me telepathically "Zeta Remulan! Teddy!", and will first show me in a mental image a small brown hairy teddybear plush toy, before then letting me see itself but still with the Teddy in the same frame. It is clear to me that it does this, because it worries or expects that I would be scared to see the Zeta Remulan, and so it shows me first a teddybear thinking that a human, as a human child might be, would be happy to see a friendly and harmless teddy toy, and then to show the Zeta Remulan might then be associated with a friendly teddy toy and considered harmless, so that the human would not be afraid. Or at other times it shows me a large frog puppet toy for the same reason. I like to send out a random telepathic message sometimes toward Zeta Remulan where I say "Zeta Remulan! Teddy!", I think it is fun.

I really like my Zeta Remulan a lot, the more that we speak with each other and I get to see it in mental images, I find that I develop a friendship toward this person and I like Zeta Remulan a lot and am happy to see it. It is a really wonderful person and creature and I count it as one of my many favorites in the group.

Zeta Remulan

On the evening of February 21, 2017, or in the middle of the night between February 21 and 22, I caught the mental image of a brand new type of extraterrestrial species which I had not seen before. It was looking at me from a dark location. We had a wonderful lengthy conversation, which I unfortunately did not climb out of bed for to write down.

drawing of Zeta Remulan hand 13 April 2020

It has two eyes that are somewhat horisontally oblong. The eyes are entirely dark brown or black, and the surface of the eyes reflects light a little bit as a little dot. The head is a bit wide and is vertically short, the head almost only wraps around the eyes. The top of the head is flat with some indentation at the center to wrap around the eyes. There was no protruding nose, no visible external ears, and I could not discern a mouth.

The body of the creature is about the size of a cow although the creature is mostly more slender. The head is held elevated from the floor, and the head is higher up than the body. The body or torso slants downward from the neck and along the back downward, so that the head is elevated but the body does not need to be. It seems to have two legs and two arms, the arms at the front and the legs toward the back. I did not see that it would have had a tail.

The creature is light pink in skin color all over its body except for the eyes. Legs and arms are slender and long and appear rigid and strong. Something about the look of its face is cute like a walrus, but the look in its eyes also has something sinister about it, which would turn out to match with its somewhat sinister behavior.

The alien told me that it is a Zeta Remulan. At first glance the name would be confusing, since we are familiar with so many other alien species. Zeta seems to refer to the Zeta Reticulans, who are the well-known Greys. And Remulan seems to refer to the Alpha Remulans, who are the brown scorpions. Zeta Remulan however is an entirely new alien species, and it is neither the Zeta Reticulans nor the Alpha Remulans.

It conveyed to me a mental image depicting its home world. The lighting in the image was like that in the early night on Earth, dark like night but still not pitch black. The air seemed to be thin. The image depicted rather flat land and on either side of the land was a tall vertical steep cliff, I could see to the top of both cliffs so they were not endlessly tall, but they were high. And so it looked like a wide passage of flat land inside what was almost like a canyon. The ground, and also the cliffs, were a light blue, light gray color, and seemed to be softer than most rocks on Earth, for some reason I want to say that this rock is made out of a silicon rock. There seemed to be no sand, no dust, on the ground.

I was surprised that this pink Zeta Remulan creature had shown me such a home world, since there was no discernible plant life or animal life in the image I was shown. How can you live there without any plants or animals, I asked it. What do you eat, I asked it. The sky was a dark purple or pink color and I did not see any clouds.

The creature behaved sassy and snappy toward me, and hostile in its words. I was friendly and welcoming to the creature, I was mild and compassionate, gentle and careful, positive and happy toward it. I told it that I was its friend. When I told it that it was beautiful, it said something such as that what it looked like was not important, since what was important was "What they do", it said. And so I asked it to tell me what they do.

It told me that there had been explosions on its home world. This species is yet another that has been hijacked against its will by the group of aliens we here on the website call the Agenda, which is headed by the Alpha Thetons and employs among many others the Zeta Reticulans, and Alpha Draconian Reptiles. Zeta Reticulans have wanted to take the Zeta Remulans and to put them to some kind of work that would benefit the Agenda.

I did not learn a great deal about the Zeta Remulans, in spite of my asking. I had asked what they eat, if they have males and females, I had asked it if it is happy, how it lives and what it does, but it was not too keen on answering on my questions. As with many aliens I meet who are initially very hostile and sassy and snappy when we talk, my persistent friendliness, patience and compassion, seems to make the alien relax and also become a bit friendlier toward me. Hamish the Draconian Reptile of the old Draconian race, is a prime example of how I have "tamed" an initially hostile alien being with my sickly sweet friendliness and charm. Other sassy aliens I have yet to tame include the Alpha Reticulans (similar to Zeta Reticulan Greys only with a flat indentation on the head) and Auntie the Thuban Whale.

I will make a drawing of the Zeta Remulan and of the home world that it has shown me, once I get back to my home computer since I am traveling at the moment. I also plan to conduct a proper interview with the Zeta Remulan at a later time.

February 22 2017. Conversation with Zeta Remulan was moved to its own page
Conversation with a Zeta Remulan 2017

September 2 2017. Hamish mentions Zeta Remulans, that the Zeta Reticulans and Zeta Remulans are also with them
Hamish talks about his race

White Alpha Remulans

On May 16, 2017, I spoke with an alien that was white with dark eyes and said it was an Alpha Remulan. We are already familiar with the brown Alpha Remulan Scorpions, but there are also white Alpha Remulans. A conversation with the white Alpha Remulan was written on this day and should be published in future books.

Zeta Remulans come from Alpha Draconis?

In late December 2018, some day after Christmas, I asked the aliens where do the Zeta Remulans come from, and Hamish stepped in to answer the question. Our conversation went like this, translated from my other language:

Where do Zeta Remulans come from? - me
From Alpha Draconis. - unknown speaker
But remember, they are not our friends. - Hamish about Zeta Remulans
They wanted to show the power, even though they are very self-important. And, we also do not like their smell. We are dominant. And, also, see my back. - Hamish, "and we also do not like their smell" was in English and "we are dominant" was either in English or in my other language I forgot

If this information is correct then the Zeta Remulans come from Alpha Draconis.

Zeta Remulan in August 2019

Written August 11, 2019. In the night between August 10-11 2019 I was in bed for the night and I was given a mental image by the aliens which depicted a room which had a lot of different species of aliens. The main character who spoke to me and who stood nearest to "the camera", nearest to me in the image, said it is a Zeta Remulan. It had beige skin color, a large head, large eyes, and most notably a very long very narrow nose. I also got to see the Zeta Remulan from the side in profile, which was delightful to see, the nose was prominent then too. If I recall, the nose was completely vertical and without any diagonal lean when seen from the side. Later it told me that it does not have "four fingers and a thumb" like I have but it has three fingers, it showed me a mental image. Here is a drawing as best as I can remember.

This Zeta Remulan spoke very intellectually and intelligent and calm and polite mannered. What it said centered mostly around the fact that they bring me there for medical experiments, as they are working on some projects. In the room was also a Dinosaur, a man who is human military (the aliens said he is military) and it turned out to be General Patton who told me that he has been involved with these aliens since the 1970's. A Reptilian my Hamish was there. The aliens and military told me to refer to the Dinosaur as "Croakers" when I called them Dinosaurs, also when I gave too much attention to the Dinosaur the Dinosaur asked me not to because otherwise Hamish would get upset at the Dinosaur. There was what looked like a Pleiadian woman, an alien woman which was somewhat like a human but more white and glowing and with long blonde hair. The white Thuban was there, resting its long boomerang shaped arms against the floor, and not spit hissing or saying Hinch this time. The aliens had asked me if I want to see a "dolphin" and then they had shown me the Thuban. There was also a very tall large version of a little yellow Alpha Centaurian. And there was the alien with a thin neck and just a wide head which fits the two wide eyes, I have previously drawn these and named it "Pleiadian", it told me that they (referring to human associates i.e. military and such) call it an "insect", I said it does not look like an insect to me, I forget what I told it that it looks like, I may have said that it looks like its own species. And they wanted to bring in hybrid children and I said no. Then later Zetas were going to show me inappropriate images of hybrids and sexual things so I told them that if they do that then I am going to either kill the hybrid children or kill myself so they stopped with the harassment then. Oh and another kind of aliens that were there were Illuminati men, not the chubby kind but white adults still, and they wore the 1920's Mafia gangster suits with the hats, looking very stylish as always. I was happy to see everyone.

After a moment the aliens were asking Hamish to leave the room. I hate when they do that, I told them that Hamish can stay.

The dreams I had that night were related to U.S. Navy personnel with the white uniforms and to MKULTRA and to how MKULTRA is used on Navy staff. I saw in the dreams about how Navy have encountered UFOs which were big white glowing spheres which came down close near to a Navy ship out at sea. Navy staff would have been exposed to the UFOs and aliens, and for some reason this has led to a lot of MKULTRA and mind control being done on the Navy staff, if this is because of humans or because of aliens choosing to do it or if it is a collaboration I do not know. It also deals with trauma that these Navy staff have in their minds. I did see that Zetas were using a lot of things like cartoon characters in mind control. I often write about how Zetas use Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck but they have also in recent times been showing Roger Rabbit and Bugs Bunny which they choose sometimes but not often, from time to time it happens.

I was also told by the aliens that General Patton had decided that they use Rohypnol on me for last night, obviously so that I don't remember what happens, I said I would rather remember. I also learned from the aliens that when I arrive there to the aliens then my body is shaking violently, not because I'm shaking but the travel process itself makes a body shake, and that causes a person to vomit. If I were in any ways imagining this then I would not have it that way. And when I woke up in the morning I learned from white aliens (meaning some kind of Zeta Reticuli or similar looking alien), they said they had not given me plasticides, so I said good I think those are toxic don't give me any, and they then said that they had given me some before because they use it to block certain genes with, so they are using plasticides in genetics work.

It was nice to see General Patton (for those who don't know, that's his code name), he looks to be well and he was calm and seemed ok. In the morning when I woke up he asked me if I know how much money he earns, he then told me that he earns $ 7,000 a month. I honestly don't care.

It is good to see aliens and the military in the same room at the same time because that does not happen often. I have wondered if this is all human military creating fake aliens, or if it is aliens creating fake military, but it starts to seem that we have both and maybe no one is fake they are all real. It really was a lot of Navy personnel last night and all kinds of strange mind games involving me as well. I don't want to remember any more than that.

If we consider the fact that Assistant Carlisle worked for the U.S. Navy with psychology or psychiatry and specialising in trauma and shell shock and that sort of thing. Someone is literally using MKULTRA on Navy personnel, the more I learn about what this all is with the military and aliens and myself, it becomes this strange and scary mind control experiment on Navy personnel. I think only General Patton has all the answers, and he's not telling. At least I got to have a wonderful evening with my aliens last night when I was in my bed and they were in another room, but I saw the other room as if I were already there lying down on a bed or table. I often have the feeling, and experience, that the aliens and military are living in another parallel reality and world and that a copy of my body is always there.

I wish they could put me into a room with Hamish and me so that we could spend time together. "Hamish Yes, Tik.", Hamish says now in a friendly mood swaying his upper body side to side a few times. "Tik, Hamish.", me. Hamish tells me without words that he will go down to the basement and go to the big blue plastic barrels that have scraps and bits of food for Reptilians. That sounds tasty, it's about time for my breakfast. 1:41 PM end notes.